News March 28, 2019

Deutsche Bank has expanded its defence policy and external transparency

Deutsche Bank has clear policies in place to help ensure we conduct business responsibly and protect the bank from reputational risk. Deutsche Bank continually reviews its Policy covering defence-related business sectors and in particular so-called Controversial Weapons. Deutsche Bank has reviewed and expanded this policy further clarifying the types of business in which the bank will not engage.

Controversial Weapons cause undue suffering and have a disproportionate humanitarian impact on civilian populations. Many are prohibited by international treaties and conventions of the United Nations (UN) or the European Union (EU).

Specifically, the published Policy makes clear that Deutsche Bank avoids entering into, or continuing, any kind of business relationship with entities with clear, direct links to the following types of Controversial Weapons business:

  • Cluster Munitions (CluMu)
  • Anti-Personnel Mines (APM)
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Weapons (CBRN)
  • Controversial Conventional Weapons (CCW)

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