Dossier #3: Reset, please?
How can companies and decision-makers reset for growth beyond coronavirus?

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the economy hard. At the same time, it is opening new doors for entrepreneurs. What key factors are now important for them?
Video interview: “The willingness to change has increased enormously“
Scarce liquidity, collapsed supply chains, austerity measures…
nevertheless, economist Dietmar Grichnik is sure that times of crisis are times of entrepreneurship.
Interview: “ The willingness to change has increased enormously“
Entrepreneurial Success / Story
Ankerkraut – navigating the pandemic with courage and confidence Ankerkraut – navigating the pandemic with courage and confidence
2020 was a turbulent year for the spice manufacturer Ankerkraut. Find out how founders Anne and Stefan Lemcke fared during the crisis and what their plans are for after the pandemic.
Ankerkraut – navigating the pandemic with courage and confidence About flexibility in times of a crisisEntrepreneurial Success / Explained
How much longer? What business needs to prepare for during the Covid-19 pandemic How much longer? What business must prepare for during the Covid-19 pandemic
Economists expect the pandemic to change economic life in the long run. We look at international events in five phases.
How much longer? What business needs to prepare for during the Covid-19 pandemic When will things return to normal?Entrepreneurial Success / Crisp & Short
Innovation in the midst of a crisis – wishful thinking? Innovation in the midst of a crisis – wishful thinking?
Rethinking products and processes despite restrictions? Here are 11 powerful observations.
Innovation in the midst of a crisis – wishful thinking? Look at the topic from a different perspectiveEntrepreneurial Success / Opinion
A time for pioneers A time for pioneers
The crisis means that innovative spirit is in demand. Entrepreneurs now have the chance to prepare themselves for the future in a sustainable way. What role should banks play in this?
A time for pioneers How the financial sector can support