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Digital Disruption

Digitisation is bringing huge changes to our economy and society. Traditional business models are having to make way; new ideas are needed. The demands on the financial industry are also changing. How the bank of the future marries technology with financial expertise and which partners will help with this.

Cyber security

How to defend against the greatest threats of our digital age How to defend against the greatest threats of our digital age

Digitalisation is making companies and people more productive, but also more susceptible to cyberattacks. We examine how hackers operate – and how companies and individuals can protect themselves.

How to defend against the greatest threats of our digital age Prepared for the worst?


Digital Disruption | Video Story

A driving school for AI Autonomous driving – breakthrough thanks to AI?

Autonomous driving is a big hope for the future, but accidents still cause concern. The start-up Deep Safety wants to make autonomous vehicles safe.

A driving school for AI A driving school for AI

Digital Disruption | Opinion

Do I have to forfeit my privacy? The key issue going forward is who do people trust?

By paying digitally we generate data that reveals a lot about us. But what can the firms holding this data do with it? Shivaji Dasgupta, Head of Data at Deutsche Bank, provides answers.

Do I have to forfeit my privacy? Do I have to forfeit my privacy?

Digital Disruption | Opinion

Partners, rather than competitors? From trend to innovation

Gil Perez, Head of Strategy & Innovation Networks at Deutsche Bank, talks about industry trends, the art of innovation and how to bring solutions from fintechs and start-ups into the bank.

Partners, rather than competitors? Partners, rather than competitors?

Changing our lives?

After the hype – what’s next for the metaverse? After the hype – what’s next for the metaverse?

When Facebook changed its name to Meta and presented its big plans for the metaverse to a major media buzz, many believed the technology would radically change our lives. Now the dust has settled, what comes next?

After the hype – what’s next for the metaverse? About risks and opportunities

Invisible game changer

How cloud technology is silently revolutionizing our economy How cloud technology is silently revolutionising our economy

Cloud technology is enabling new business models, and many private individuals are using it. For a long time, it was regarded as "hidden technology". Find out new possibilities – and what you should watch out for.   

How cloud technology is silently revolutionizing our economy All about cloud

Better than humans?

AI in banking and business – what can it do and who stands to gain? AI in banking and business – what can it do and who stands to gain

Supported by artificial intelligence (AI), companies could gain new insights from data and develop completely new business models. We take a look at applications that could change our lives – as well as at risks derived from AI.

AI in banking and business – what can it do and who stands to gain? What can it really do?
Woman using a smartphone

The hidden impact

Cash, card, crypto: how the way you pay will affect your life Cash, card, crypto: how the way you pay will affect your life

The trend has gained considerable momentum recently: last year saw the largest ever number of digital payments. The volume of cash that changed hands declined by one third instead. What’s coming next?

Cash, card, crypto: how the way you pay will affect your life Payment of the future?
Blurred lines: how Fintechs are changing the future of the financial industry


Explore the dossier Banks or fintechs: who will be shaping the future of the financial industry?

After the financial crisis of 2008, fintechs experienced a boom and challenged traditional financial institutions in their established business areas. Is that still the case today?

Explore the dossier Friends or foes?

What Next: our topics

Link to Responsible Growth
Link to Digital Disruption
Link to Entrepreneurial Success