Dossier #8: Beat the heat
How sustainable cities can be a solution to climate change

Cities are feeling the acute impact of climate change: it’s getting hotter, and flooding and air pollution are putting people at risk. But cities also drive the innovation humans need to survive.
Responsible Growth | Photo Story
Mangroves and marshlands: Barranquilla embraces biodiversity Mangroves and marshlands: Barranquilla embraces biodiversity
The port and industrial city of Barranquilla is to become Colombia's first BiodiverCity. About a metropolis seeking its path to a sustainable future.
Responsible Growth | Opinion
“The question is whether many cities will be habitable” “The question is whether many cities will be habitable”
Rising sea levels could impact the lives of millions. Can investors help to avert disaster? Markus Müller from the Chief Investment Office shares insight.
Responsible Growth | Opinion
“Cities are key players in lowering carbon emissions” “Cities are key players in lowering carbon emissions”
Transforming cities requires multiple efforts. Claire Coustar speaks about the role of financial markets and what Deutsche Bank is doing.
Responsible Growth | Video Story
The power of sustainability in the palm of your hands The power of sustainability in the palm of your hands
Responsible Growth | Photo Story
Barrio del Aeropuerto – from ugly duckling to beautiful swan Towards net zero: the Madrid way
Improving the existing building stock has a huge impact on getting the Spanish capital towards net zero – as the Barrio del Aeropuerto project shows.
Responsible Growth | Opinion
Timber: the sustainable way forward for cities Would you like to live in a timber city?
Architect Alan Organschi explains his research project about how we could reduce our carbon footprint while using timber for constructions.