Dossier #6: Reaching the next level
What does it take to make bold moves in business?

Bold moves have always helped mankind to make progress and they could be even more important in the future. In this dossier we investigate what inventive entrepreneurs need in order to make bold decisions
Entrepreneurial Success | Video-Story
Fundamentally changing a business Tomatoes made in Italy – still a promising business idea?
For Francesco Mutti, tomatoes are a family matter: he is the fourth generation to run Mutti Tomatoes, a Parma-based company founded in 1899.
Entrepreneurial Success | Story
Finding the right investor “We invest in technologies of the future“
From nuclear energy to air taxis: founder and investor Lukasz Gadowski has exceptional innovative vision. Since his experience in exiting the social network StudiVZ, he no longer focuses on quick profits - but on long-term, bold ideas that really change things.
Entrepreneurial Success | Opinion
Where to get the money from No money, no moonshot – how bold moves could be financed
Courageous entrepreneurs have always ensured progress – especially when they were willing to take risks. In this article three experts describe how risky projects could be financed.
Entrepreneurial Success | Story
Travel into the unknown “We’re venturing into uncharted territory”
Electric jets could change the way we travel – and play a key role in the green mobility revolution. But will they really work? Lilium founder Daniel Wiegand talks to us about the start-up’s vision and when it expects the first commercial flights to start.
Entrepreneurial Success | Opinion
Organizational culture as enabler “Being on autopilot in business is dangerous”
Harvard Business School Professor, Sunil Gupta has spent over a decade researching change within business across a broad spectrum of industries. What does he see as the key ingredients needed to make bold moves within business?
Entrepreneurial Success | Crisp & Short
It’s all about readiness Making bold moves in the digital age
Artificial intelligence and AI-based technologies especially are turning entire industries upside down. Those who want to be among tomorrow’s players must set the course today. Here, we shine a light on the most important points to consider.

Entrepreneurial Success | Insights
It’s a lot about trust Believing in a bold company – what makes experts trust in an idea
Convincing investors and the public of a bold business idea is not always easy. We asked experts from different fields what they are looking for when entrepreneurs approach them with their idea for a bold move.