• Policies & Commitments

We want to maintain and develop dedicated control frameworks and processes to turn regulatory challenges into business opportunities and steer decision-making based on impact measurement

To implement the Group’s sustainability strategy, Deutsche Bank has set its target to develop and maintain robust governance and risk management for environmental and social issues.

The integration of environmental and social matters into our decision-making processes is a key component of our understanding of responsible corporate behaviour.

Our environmental and social due diligence is guided by internationally recognized principles and standards, including:

  • Ilo.png

    International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Labour Standards

  • Ilo.png

    International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

  • Un-hr-office.jpg

    The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

  • Rquator-principles.jpg

    The Equator Principles

  • Ifc.jpg

    International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards

Policies & statements – Downloads

*Summary Framework on Environmental and Social Due Diligence covers:

  • Cross-sectoral standards (Human Rights, deforestation, sensitive and protected locations including World Heritage Sites, and climate considerations)
  • Sector-specific standards (Agricultural Commodities and Forestry, Hydropower, Nuclear Power, Thermal Coal Power and Mining, Oil and Gas, Maritime Transport and Infrastructure, Fisheries and Marine Aquaculture, and Metals and Mining)
Timeline Item 1


Net-zero target for Commercial Aviation established
Timeline Item 2


Intitial Transition Plan incl. additional net-zero targets (Coal Mining, Cement, Shipping) published
Timeline Item 3


Financed emissions from European residential real estate loan portfolio disclosed
Timeline Item 4


Sustainable finance target of €200+ bn (€215 bn at YE 2022) outperformed
Timeline Item 5


Net Zero Forum for carbon-intensive transactions and transition plan assessment established
Timeline Item 6


Net-zero targets for most carbon intensive sectors (Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Automotive, Steel) published
Timeline Item 7


Financed emissions from corporate loan book disclosed
Timeline Item 8


Sustainable finance target of €200+ bn from YE 2023 to YE 2022 accelerated and target of €500 bn by YE 2025 announced
Timeline Item 9


NetZero Banking Alliance commitment signed
Timeline Item 10


Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials joined
Timeline Item 11


German financial sector’s Commitment on Climate Action signed
Timeline Item 12


Sustainable finance target of €200+ bn by YE 2025 announced
Timeline Item 13


Green Financing Framework published
Timeline Item 14


Equator Principles signed
Timeline Item 15


Fossil Fuel (Coal Mining and Oil & Gas Policy updated)
Timeline Item 16


Sustainable Finance Framework published
Timeline Item 17


Value Balancing Alliance (Founding member of the Value Balancing Alliance)
Timeline Item 18

2015 - 2019

Environmental and Social Policy framework substantially revised
Timeline Item 19

2015 - 2019

Coal Mining Policy introduced
Timeline Item 20

2015 - 2019

Paris Pledge for Action signed
Timeline Item 21


TCFD (Formal supporter of the recommendations developed by the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD))
Timeline Item 22

2015 - 2019

UN Principles for Responsible Banking signed
Timeline Item 23


Green Bond Principles (Supporter of the Green Bond Principles as part of a coalition of twelve major financial institutions)
Timeline Item 24


PRI (Signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment)
Timeline Item 25


UN Global Compact (founding signatory)

Selected memberships and commitments

To underpin its long-standing commitment to sustainability, Deutsche Bank formally endorsed universal sustainability frameworks and initiatives. The bank is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Banking (2019), a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (2021), a signatory to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (2000) and committed to the Equator Principles (2020).

Equator Principles Logo

Equator Principles

In February 2022, Deutsche Bank published its first Equator Principles Implementation Report outlining its progress, due diligence process and responsibilities. This publication followed the bank’s formal adoption of the Equator Principles in July 2020. The Equator Principles are an internationally recognized benchmark for determining, assessing, and managing environmental and social risks in project finance. Here you can find ongoing information on Equator Principles Implementation at Deutsche Bank.


Net-Zero Banking Alliance

Deutsche Bank is a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, an industry-led and UN-convened group of leading global banks committed to financing ambitious climate action. The Alliance supports member banks to design, set, and achieve credible science-based net-zero targets for 2030 or sooner. Meeting these targets would unlock the trillions of euros necessary to transition the global economy to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Following on the climate commitment of the German financial sector, Deutsche Bank is also engaged in the local market within the working group of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance Germany.

Net-Zero Banking Alliance Logo
Principles for Responsible Banking  Logo

Principles for Responsible Banking

In 2019 Deutsche Bank became a founding signatory of The Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The PRB was set up in partnership between the founding banks and the United Nations. Currently more than 300 signatories commit to applying the framework to align core strategy, decision-making, lending and investment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

UN Global Compact

We want to be a bank that contributes to a greener (E), more socially responsible (S) and better managed (G) economy, and that is more committed than ever to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. Deutsche Bank has been Founding Signatory of the UN Global Compact in 2000.

UN Global Compact Logo