Dossier #5: The hidden impact
Cash, card, crypto: how the way you pay will affect your life

The trend has gained considerable momentum recently: last year saw the largest ever number of digital payments. The volume of cash that changed hands declined by one third instead.
Bitcoin = digital gold? Video: “I could potentially see Bitcoin to become the 21st century gold”
Crypto-currencies’ market cap of more than one trillion us dollars makes them too important to ignore. Deutsche Bank Analyst Marion Laboure tells us how the development of digital currencies will shape the future of payments.
Inclusion through mobile payment "Mobile money is fostering inclusion in Ghana"
Mobile money is booming in the West African country. Eli Hini, CEO of MobileMoney Limited, explains the reasons why and describes how mobile money promotes financial inclusion.
Helping customers pay with cash “Inclusion is what we’re about”
Digital payments are trending. But some might feel left out. Viafintech’s mission is to prevent this – and it has chosen an unusual implementation method, as CEO Sebastian Seifert knows.
Goodbye privacy? Video: “The key issue going forward is who do people trust?”
By executing digital transactions we generate data that reveals a lot about us. But what exactly? And what can the firms holding this data do with it? Shivaji Dasgupta, Head of Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Deutsche Bank, provides answers.
Digital Disruption / Crisp & Short
Milestones of payment From shells to bitcoin
Since time immemorial, mankind has been inventive when it comes to exchanging goods and services. Every new method of payment has changed the economy and people’s habits. How will aspiring cryptocurrencies redefine the future of payments?
Digital Disruption / Outlook
What next? Video: New approaches to digital payments and their benefits for you
Digital payments are on the rise. Our colleagues describe how things are changing for consumers and retailers as well as current developments within Deutsche Bank in the payments segment.