News August 3, 2020

Stefan Simon and Alexander von zur Muehlen join the Management Board

As already announced, the Management Board of Deutsche Bank has two additional members as of August 1, 2020: Stefan Simon and Alexander von zur Muehlen. Von zur Muehlen takes on the role as our bank's Asia Pacific CEO, succeeding Werner Steinmueller who held this position for four years. Stefan Simon remains Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and thus responsible for relations with the supervisory authorities, regulators and key policymakers (Government & Regulatory Affairs) as well as for the entities of Legal and Governance, which he took over from Karl von Rohr.

Stefan Simon and Alexander von zur Mühlen

Stefan Simon and Alexander von zur Muehlen

Stefan Simon was a member of Deutsche Bank’s Supervisory Board from August 2016 until July 31, 2019 and was Chairman of its Integrity Committee. He is a lawyer and tax consultant and a former partner at Flick Gocke Schaumburg. Since his appointment in July 2019, he has worked for the bank as a Senior Group Director in the relevant departments. In the meantime, regulatory approval has been granted for his move onto the Management Board.

Alexander von zur Muehlen joined Deutsche Bank in 1998 after studying business management. Following a variety of roles in investment banking, lastly as Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets in Europe, he was appointed Group Treasurer in 2009. In this function he managed the bank’s capital, liquidity and funding. In 2017 he was appointed Co-Head of Global Capital Markets and one year later named Global Head of Group Strategy, in summer 2018. In this function he played a key role in preparing the strategy that was announced in summer 2019.

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