News June 1, 2020

Christiana Riley: our focus on diversity and inclusion

The following e-mail was sent by the CEO Americas to all Deutsche Bank staff in the region.

Dear Colleagues,

This weekend I have reflected further on the tragic instances of overt racism we have seen recently in cities across America, and what we as an organization should be doing in response.

I share in the anger at these acts and it is clear that there is much work for us to do as a society to combat institutional racism in America. Discrimination of any sort, including racism, has no place in our country, nor in the community that is our bank.

Equally, the violence we have seen emerge in some cities is a threat to the message of community that we badly need across this country.

Across Deutsche Bank Americas, the pandemic has increased our communication with each other – we are more honest, transparent and supportive across the whole region. I want to build upon this and ask you all to increase your awareness of how these dreadful events are impacting colleagues and ensure that they have your full, personal support.

Together with the bank’s global leadership, I am committed to investing more time and energy to promoting a diverse and inclusive culture in our Americas workforce and welcome your contributions and input on this critical issue.

As I have said many times since becoming your regional CEO, “my door is open” – please reach out and share your thoughts.

I will be posting this note on LinkedIn ( as a sign of our strong public stance against racism – I encourage you to engage in the dialogue and show your support for Deutsche Bank and make it known that Diversity and Inclusion matter.


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