Schloss Belvedere Music Academy

As one of a few music academies in Germany, Schloss Belvedere (“Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere”) offers some 120 young students an excellent environment for their musical and academic training. As early as fifth grade, the young musicians receive a highly qualified musical education and, at the same time, are given all the necessary schooling they need to go on to university.

The modern school and academy buildings were financed through Deutsche Bank, which offered in 1995 to cover the entire costs of the new addition to commemorate the music academy’s 125th anniversary and also contributed funds to restore the baroque palace. Deutsche Bank is more than just a powerful financial supporter; the bank also seeks a partnership that inspires, is sustainable and leads to networking opportunities.

Students of the music academy with the Berliner Philharmoniker

This includes the annual visit to the Berliner Philharmoniker – at the invitation of Deutsche Bank. Since 2011, the Belvedere students have had a regular opportunity to perform a public “lunch concert” in the foyer of the Berliner Philharmonie and demonstrate their musical talent. With its engagement, Deutsche Bank aims to inspire aspiring young students and encourage outstanding musical achievement in Germany.

Schloss Belvedere Music Academy


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Art works: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2021, PalaisPopulaire: © Matthias Schormann, Artist of the Year: © Caline Aoun, Deutsche Bank Collection: © Photo: John Wildgoose, © Keith Tyson, Berliner Philharmoniker: © Monika Rittershaus, © Martin Walz, © Michael Trippel, English Theatre: Photo Christian Muth Junge Deutsche Philharmonie: Photo Achim Reissner, Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere: Photo Gerold Herzog, Deutsches Romantik-Museum: Photo Alexander Paul Englert, Akademie Musikgymnasium heute: © Jörn Kipping, Deutscher Buchpreis: ©, Opernstudio Frankfurt: © Wolfgang Runkel, Villa Romana: Photo Giulia Del Piero