Dossier #4: The power of blue
Will greater investment in water resources make for a more sustainable future?

Water is essential for life and indispensable for our economies. This is the cue for banks to add more of the essential blue to their green mix.
Ghana: investing in water to boost prosperity Photo story: Investing in water to boost prosperity
The dilapidated water supply in Ghana’s Volta Delta is thwarting the economy of the region. How a major, multi-million dollar water infrastructure development project will help businesses grow and improve the lives of thousands of people.
Ghana: investing in water to boost prosperity Water for 400.000 peopleOpinion
“We need to create a greener economy” “We need to create a greener economy”
Why behavioural scientist Jane Goodall sees a connection between climate crisis and the pandemic, about biodiversity as our tapestry of life, the possible contribution of governments and global institutions like Deutsche Bank to a new and respectful relationship with the natural world. And what advice her mother gave her at the age of 10.
“We need to create a greener economy” Why we need healthy ecosystems“Protecting water means operating sustainably” “Protecting water means operating sustainably”
Why we have to be aware of water risks. How industries can mitigate risks to protect the environment and drive long-term market sustainability. An interview with US water economist Joseph Kane from the Brookings Institution.
“Protecting water means operating sustainably” What are the key water risk drivers?Responsible Growth / Crisp & Short
7 interesting facts about water, the role of banks, and the end of our comfort zone Water is life
7 interesting facts about water, the role of banks, and the end of our comfort zone
7 interesting facts about water, the role of banks, and the end of our comfort zone Is there anything you can do?Responsible Growth / Deep Dive
Why a healthy ocean costs 175 billion US dollars a year (and why that’s a bargain) Why a healthy ocean costs 175 billion US dollars a year
In 2015, the Paris Climate Agreement adopted the protection and sustainable use of the oceans as a major sustainable development goal. Yet the oceans are not in good shape. What can private investment achieve – and what role can banks play?
Why a healthy ocean costs 175 billion US dollars a year (and why that’s a bargain) Dive-in!