News Research November 17, 2022

Podzept: Making Sense of Space

Our ‘Making Sense of Space’ miniseries continues with a new Podzept podcast. In this episode, Edison Yu, space & aerial mobility lead at Deutsche Bank Research, examines connectivity constellations and how optical/laser terminals could boost their performance. He speaks with Bulent Altan, CEO of Mynaric, and also an early SpaceX employee. Appointed in March 2019, Bulent is responsible for driving Mynaric towards its ultimate aim of becoming the market-leading global provider of laser communication products and systems.

In the podcast, Edison and Bulent discuss:

  • Why there are more satellites being deployed than ever before, and what the major secular drivers for this are

  • What the future market for connectivity constellations looks like

  • How big the market is for optical communications

Want to know more? Listen to the full podcast.


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