Corporate and Regulatory Disclosures

European and German Regulatory Background

Under European Union law and related national implementing laws, credit institutions and investment firms must obtain authorization from their relevant supervisory authority in order to carry out regulated banking and investment service activities. The European Banking Authority (“EBA”) maintains a public register of credit institutions authorized to operate within European Economic Area (“EEA”) countries. In Germany, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (the “BaFin”) maintains a public register of financially regulated companies authorized to operate in Germany.

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (“Deutsche Bank AG” or “the Bank”) is authorized to conduct banking business and to provide financial services as set forth in the German Banking Act (“Kreditwesengesetz”).

The Bank is subject to comprehensive supervision by the European Central Bank (“ECB”), by the BaFin and by the Deutsche Bundesbank (“Bundesbank”), Germany’s central bank.

Supervision of Deutsche Bank AG is carried out under the European Union’s Single Supervisory Mechanism (“SSM”), a system of financial supervision composed by the ECB and national supervisory authorities of European Union member states participating in the SSM. Within the SSM, the ECB is directly responsible for most of the Bank’s so-called prudential supervision, such as regulatory `capital adequacy, leverage, liquidity, risk management and governance requirements.

The BaFin remains Deutsche Bank AG’s primary supervisor for regulatory matters falling outside the remit of the ECB, such as the rules on conduct of business in the securities markets, statutory deposit protection and the regulation of anti-money laundering and terrorist financing. In countries where the Bank operates under its European Passport (see “European Passport” section below), it will be subject to the conduct of business rules of the local “host state” regulator.

The Bundesbank supports and cooperates closely with the BaFin and the ECB. That cooperation includes the ongoing review and evaluation of reports submitted by the Bank (including its audit reports) and adequacy assessments in respect of the Bank’s capital and its risk management systems.

The ECB and the BaFin have extensive supervisory and investigatory powers with regard to the Bank, including the ability to request information and conduct investigations.

European Passport

EEA banks may offer banking and investment services in other member states of the EEA (known as “host states”) without being required to obtain a separate licence from the host state under a so-called “European Passport”. This “passport”, which specifies permitted activities, is granted by the home state authority and can be exercised as follows:

  • Under the freedom of establishment rule, a “passported” bank can establish a permanent presence in the host state which is referred to – provided it is not a separate legal entity from the bank – as a “branch” (as defined in point 17 of Article 4(1) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 575/2013, “CRR”)).
  • Under the freedom to provide services rule, a bank can be passported for the provision of cross-border services in another EEA member state.

A host state authority will rely on the home state authority (the ECB in the case of a significant institution within the SSM, such as Deutsche Bank AG, for the purposes of prudential supervision, and the relevant national supervisory authority for other purposes) to ensure that the systems and controls of a bank are in good order and to ensure the bank’s financial adequacy.

To the extent that activities are carried out within or from its jurisdiction, the host state authority supervises the conduct of banks. This includes, for example, rules on treating clients fairly and rules governing a bank’s conduct in the securities market.


Corporate and Regulatory Disclosures

Deutsche Bank group comprises Deutsche Bank AG together with its subsidiaries which are consolidated for European regulatory purposes. The bank and those subsidiaries which carry out licensable activities are authorized and regulated by regulatory authorities in their country of incorporation as well as, in some instances, by regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions.

The following links will take you to corporate and regulatory disclosures relating to selected Deutsche Bank group branches and subsidiaries registered and/or incorporated in the European Union:

Show content of Austria

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna Branch

Commercial Register Number (FN): 140266z, Vienna Commercial Court
Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court

Show content of Belgium

Deutsche Bank AG, Brussels Branch

Avenue Marnix/Marnixlaan 17, 1000 Brussels
Register of Legal Entities of Brussels
VAT Identification Number: BE 0418.371.094

Show content of Czech Republic

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft

with its registered office in the Federal Republic of Germany, Frankfurt am Main, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Administrative Court in Frankfurt am Main under HRB № 30 000, acting in the Czech Republic through its organizational unit Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft Filiale Prag, organizační složka located at Prague 1, Jungmannova 750/34, postal code: 110 00, ID № 604 33 566, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, File A, Insert № 8514.

Show content of France

Deutsche Bank AG, Paris Branch

23-25 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75008 Paris
Registered in Paris: SIRET 310 327 481 00068; FR 26 310 327 481; APE 6419 Z
Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main, Local Court

Show content of Germany

Betriebs-Center für Banken AG

Domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 80 499 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Kirsten Oppenländer
Management Board: Ilona Kartz, Berthold Lantzius-Beninga, Steffen Neitmann
VAT Identification Number: DE 235 714 655

BHW Bausparkasse AG

Domiciled in Hamelin • HRB № 100 345 • Hannover Local Court
Management Board: Dietmar König (Spokesman), Robert Annabrunner, Jörn Joseph, Alf Meyer zur Heyde, Dr Christian Schramm
VAT Identification Number: DE 169 824 467

DB Capital Markets Asset Management Holding GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 91 852 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Volker Beck, Christian Finke, Andrea Simokat

DB Direkt GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 28 192 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr Volker Büttner
Managing Directors: Michael Hohenbild (Chairman), Selda Baran, Oliver Hoeps-Orberger
VAT Identification Number: DE 812 788 218

DB HR Solutions GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 57 206 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Karen Meyer
Managing Directors: Verena Gehrig, Stefanie Lindner, Steven Raffael, Heiko Rössle
VAT Identification Number: DE 236 834 137

DB Investment Services GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 58 951 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Silke Böhm, Hans-Jürgen Koss, Beate Seegel
VAT Identification Number: DE 812 847 781

DB Print GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 52 347 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Jürgen Ritzel, Matthias Reisinger, Bettina Stolbinger
VAT Identification Number: DE 813 649 084

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft

Domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Alexander R. Wynaendts
Management Board: Christian Sewing (Chairman), James von Moltke (Deputy Chairman), Fabrizio Campelli, Bernd Leukert, Alexander von zur Mühlen, Laura Padovani, Claudio de Sanctis, Rebecca Short, Stefan Simon, Olivier Vigneron
VAT Identification Number: DE 114 103 379

Deutsche Bank Europe GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 87 506 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Supervisory Board Chair: Doris Tallian
Managing Directors: Meike Webler (Vorsitzende), Ludwig Reinhardt, Michael Ruh
VAT Identification Number: DE 271 363 747

Deutsche Bank Immobilien GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Hameln • HRB 100217 • Hannover Local Court
Managing Directors: Florian Schüler (Spokesman), Bernd Diestelhorst, Ina Freymann, Mathias Lüdtke-Handjery
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 244 085

Deutsche Grundbesitz-Anlagegesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 25 667 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Taner Kaymakci, Andreas Zehmer
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 248 125

Deutsche Immobilien Leasing GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Dusseldorf • HRB № 28 176 • Düsseldorf Local Court
Managing Directors: Michael Böving, Abdelkader Bajut
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 624 371

Deutsche IT License GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Eschborn • HRB № 57 186 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Michael Gernalzick, Kai Zeiske
VAT Identification Number: DE 236 834 129

Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office AG

Domiciled in Cologne • HRB № 99 241 • Cologne Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Frank Schriever
Management Board: Volker Hecht (Spokesman), Oliver Leipholz, Dr Marc Siemes, Anne Wessel
VAT Identification Number: DE 122 786 919

DI Deutsche Immobilien Treuhandgesellschaft mbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 36 832 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Taner Kaymakci, Andreas Zehmer
VAT Identification Number: DE 202 748 457

DSL Bank – a Deutsche Bank AG branch

Bundeskanzlerplatz 6 , 53113 Bonn

DWS Alternatives GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 44 003 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Holger Naumann
Managing Directors: Dr Ulrich von Creytz, Clemens Schäfer, Georg Schuh, Florian Stanienda, Markus Wickenträger
VAT Identification Number: DE 812 881 444

DWS Beteiligungs GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 38 933 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Nicole Behrens, Dr Matthias Liermann, Vincenzo Vedda, Christian Wolff
VAT Identification Number: DE 813 804 074

DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA

Partnership limited by shares, domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 111 128 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Oliver Behrens
General Partner: DWS Management GmbH

DWS Grundbesitz GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 25 668 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dirk Görgen
Managing Directors: Christian Bäcker, Dr Ulrich von Creytz, Clemens Schäfer, Georg Schuh, Florian Stanienda, Ulrich Steinmetz
VAT Identification Number: DE 812 045 609

DWS International GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 23 891 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Dr Matthias Liermann (Spokesman), Jörg Hupertz, Georg Schuh
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 247 954

DWS Investment GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 91 35 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr Stefan Hoops
Management Board: Dr Matthias Liermann (Spokesman), Nicole Behrens, Vincenzo Vedda, Christian Wolff
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 248 289

DWS Investmentaktiengesellschaft mit Teilgesellschaftsvermögen

Investment stock corporation with variable capital domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 79 174 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Clemens von Drigalski
Management Board: Holger Kindsgrab (Chairman), Marc Nowotny, Björn Born

DWS Management GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 109 865 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court.
Management Board: Dr Stefan Hoops (Chairman), Manfred Bauer, Dirk Görgen, Dr Markus Kobler, Dr Karen Kuder, Rafael Otero

DWS Real Estate GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 26 724 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Dr Ulrich von Creytz, Clemens Schäfer, Georg Schuh, Florian Stanienda, Ulrich Steinmetz
VAT Identification Number: DE 811 248 230

Finanzberatungsgesellschaft mbH der Deutschen Bank

Limited liability company domiciled in Berlin • HRB № 110 840 • Berlin Local Court
Managing Directors: Mathias Lüdtke-Handjery (Chairman), Sven Riege, Florian Schüler
VAT Identification Number: DE 815 110 910

KEBA Gesellschaft für interne Services mbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 35 801 • Frankfurt am Main local court
Chairperson of the Supervisory Board: Stephan Niemand
Managing Directors: Andreas Bauernfeind, Brit Becker-Hörnig, Berthold Lantzius-Beninga
VAT Identification Number: DE 227 219 059

Konsul Inkasso GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Essen • HRB № 18 787 • Essen Local Court
Managing Directors: Jörn Marquardt, Dominic Wien, Alexander Blunk
VAT Identification Number: DE 114 103 379

Leasing Verwaltungsgesellschaft Waltersdorf mbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Schönefeld • HRB № 17 367 P • Potsdam Local Court
Management Board: Dietmar Becker, Uwe Schmidt
VAT Identification Number: DE 234 201 266

Link Market Services (Frankfurt) GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 50 583 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Management Board: Peter Chudaska, William John Hawkins
VAT Identification Number: DE 216 981 680

norisbank GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 21 185 B • Bonn Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr Volker Büttner
Managing Directors: Maik Wennrich (Chairman), Thomas Brosch, Kai-David Ortmann
VAT Identification Number: DE 226 545 047

PB Factoring GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 95 98 • Bonn Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Daniel Schmand
Managing Directors: Oliver Böhm, Michael Menke
VAT Identification Number: DE 814 519 601

PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank

Limited liability company domiciled in Essen • HRB № 27 613 • Essen Local Court
Chairperson of the Supervisory Board: Kirsten Oppenländer
Managing Directors: Ilona Kartz, Berthold Lantzius-Beninga, Dirk Steinhoff
VAT Identification Number: DE 261 841 487

Postbank – a Deutsche Bank AG branch

Bundeskanzlerplatz 6 , 53113 Bonn

Postbank Direkt GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 17337 • Bonn Local Court
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr Volker Büttner
Managing Directors: Oliver Hoeps-Orberger (Chairman), Selda Baran, Michael Hohenbild
VAT Identification Number: DE 214 308 135

Postbank Filialvertrieb AG

Domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 14 654 • Bonn Local Court
Supervisory Board: Dr Dominik Hennen (Chairman)
Management Board: Markus Belt, Thorsten De Paoli Peppler, Frank Pöppinghaus, Florian Schauer, Dr Tatjana Schierack

Postbank Finanzberatung AG

Domiciled in Hameln • HRB 200614 • Hannover Local Court
Supervisory Board: Dr Dominik Hennen (Chairman)
Managing Directors: Mathias Lüdtke-Handjery (Spokesman), Bernd Diestelhorst, Ina Freymann, Florian Schüler
VAT Identification Number: DE 250 287 688

Postbank Leasing GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 60 32 • Bonn Local Court
Managing Directors: Michael Menke
VAT Identification Number: DE 813 170 369

Treuinvest Service GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 58 132 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court
Managing Directors: Wolfram Schaab, Dr Antonia Selkinski
VAT Identification Number: DE 814 186 115

VÖB-ZVD Processing GmbH

Limited liability company domiciled in Bonn • HRB № 23 407 • Bonn Local Court
Managing Directors: Oliver Schulte, Jens-Simon Vogt
VAT Identification Number: DE 225 683 844

Show content of Greece

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Athens Branch

23A, Vasilissis Sofias Avenue,
106 74 Athens

Phone number: +30 210 7208 700
Fax number: +30 210 7232 451

Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main, Germany • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main Local Court

Registered in the Commercial Registry administered by the Hellenic Ministry of Development under № 65092/06/B/08/1

Show content of Hungary

Deutsche Bank AG, Hungary Branch

1054 Budapest, Hold utca 27.
Branch registration under number Cg. 01-17-000707 in the Metropolitan Court of Registration (Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság)
VAT Identification Number (Adószám): HU23514614-2-41

Show content of Ireland

Deutsche International Corporate Services (Ireland) Limited

Authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland under the Investment Intermediaries Act, 1995
Registered in Ireland under № 149528
5 Harbourmaster Place, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1

Show content of Italy

Cardea Real Estate S.r.l.

Head office: Piazza del Calendario, 1 • 20126 Milan

  • Capital Stock EUR 10.000,00 fully paid-in
  • Number of registration in the Companies Register of Milan, Fiscal Code and VAT number: 11359210967
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank AG

DB Covered Bond S.r.l.

Head office: Via Vittorio Alfieri n. 1 • 31015 Conegliano (TV)
Phone number: +39 0438 360926 • Fax number: +39 0438 360962

  • Capital Stock EUR 10.000,00 fully paid-in
  • Number of registration in the Companies Register of Treviso-Belluno, Fiscal Code and VAT number: 04497970261
  • Belonging to Deutsche Bank group, registered in the Banking Group Register
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank S.p.A.

DB Servizi Amministrativi S.r.l.

Head office: Piazza del Calendario n. 3 • 20126 Milan

  • Capital Stock EUR 10.000,00 fully paid-in
  • Number of registration in the Companies Register of Milan, Fiscal Code and VAT number: 09625590154
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank AG

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Milan Branch

Via Turati 25/27, Milan • Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, stock company of German law domiciled in Taunusanlage 12, Frankfurt am Main, Germany:

  • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main local court • Capital stock fully paid-in: Euro 5,290,939,215.36 •
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Alexander R. Wynaendts
  • Management Board: Christian Sewing (Chairman), James von Moltke (Deputy Chairman), Fabrizio Campelli, Bernd Leukert, Alexander von zur Mühlen, Laura Padovani, Claudio de Sanctis, Rebecca Short, Stefan Simon, Olivier Vigneron

Deutsche Bank Mutui S.p.A.

Head office: Piazza del Calendario, 1 • 20124 Milan

  • Capital Stock EUR 33.450.017,00
  • Number of registration in the companies register of Milan, fiscal code and VAT number: 08226630153
  • Member of the Deposit Protection Interbanking Fund
  • Registered in the Bank register
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank AG

Deutsche Bank S.p.A.

Head office: Piazza del Calendario, 3 • 20126 Milan
Tel.: +39 02 4024 1 • Telegraphic address: CENTMERIT Milan •
S.W.I.F.T. address: DEUT IT MM • Telex: 311350 BAIDIR I • Telefax: S.T.M.: +39 02 4024 2636

  • Capital Stock EUR 412.153.993,80
  • Number of registration in the companies register of Milan, fiscal code and VAT number: 01340740156
  • Member of the Deposit Protection Interbanking Fund
  • Member of the Indemnity National Fund ex art. 59 Leg. Decree n. 58/1998
  • Registered in the Bank register and parent company of Deutsche Bank group in Italy • Registered in the Banking Group Register
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank AG • Company code 3104.7 

Fiduciaria Sant’Andrea S.r.l.

Head office: Piazza del Calendario, 3 • 20126 Milan
Phone number: +39 02 4024 2461/2476 • Fax number: +39 02 4024 2356

  • Capital Stock EUR 93.600,00 fully paid-in
  • Number of registration in the companies register of Milan, and fiscal code: 01202840268; VAT number 11349470150
  • Belonging to Deutsche Bank group, registered in the Banking Group Register
  • Subject to the management and coordination activity of Deutsche Bank S.p.A.

Show content of Luxembourg

DB Re S.A.

Société Anonyme incorporated in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 53295
VAT Identification Number: LU 19091914
Supervisory authority for the insurance sector: Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), Luxembourg
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dirk Wegener
Chief Executive Officer: Jörg Denis

DB Vita

Société Anonyme incorporated in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 35917
VAT Identification Number: LU 21986333
Supervisory authority for the insurance sector: Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), Luxembourg
Board of Directors: Nathalie Bausch (Chair)
Chief Executive Officer: Frank Breiting, Sebastian Glados

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Luxembourg Branch

Branch incorporated under German law of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft with its principal office in Frankfurt am Main (please see under "Germany")
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Branch registration in Luxembourg: Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), B 42123
Branch Management: Dr. Daniel Zapf (Directeur Général), Nathalie Bausch (Directeur), Charles Kasenene (Directeur), Dr. Marcus Stutz (Directeur)

Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.

Société Anonyme incorporated in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 9164
VAT Identification Number: LU 10879133
Banking supervisory authorities: European Central Bank (ECB); Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxembourg
Supervisory Board: Rüdiger Bronn (Chairman)
Management Board: Dr. Daniel Zapf (Chairman), Charles Kasenene, Dr. Marcus Stutz

Deutsche Holdings (Grand Duchy) S.à r.l.

Société à responsabilité limitée domiciled in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 241157
Management Board: Charles Kasenene, Sascha Körner, Carsten Wunderlich

Deutsche Holdings (Luxembourg) S.à r.l.

Société à responsabilité limitée domiciled in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 172538
Management Board: Dr. Daniel Zapf (Chairman), Christiane Hoffranzen, Charles Kasenene, Dr. Marcus Stutz

DWS Investment S.A.

Société Anonyme incorporated in Luxembourg
2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg
Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (R.C.S.), Luxembourg, B 25754
VAT Identification Number: LU 15713550
Supervisory authority: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), Luxembourg
Supervisory Board: Manfred Bauer (Chair)
Management Board: Nathalie Bausch (Chief Executive Officer), Leif Bjurstroem, Dr. Stefan Junglen, Michael Mohr

Postbank Luxemburg – a Deutsche Bank AG, Luxembourg Branch brand

PB Finance Center, Parc d’Activité Syrdall 2
18-20, rue Gabriel Lippmann, L-5365 Munsbach

Show content of Netherlands

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Amsterdam Branch

Branch incorporated under German law of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft with its principal office in Frankfurt am Main (please see under "Germany")
De Entree 195, 1101 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce Number: 33304583
VAT Identification Number: NL 8232.78.669.B03

Show content of Poland

Deutsche Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna

is entered into the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, under KRS number: 0000022493. The seat of the Company is in Warsaw at al. Armii Ludowej 26.
VAT Identification Number: PL 676-01-07-416
Management Board: Tomasz Kowalski (President of the Management Board), Magdalena Rogalska (Vice-President of the Management Board), Zbigniew Bętkowski, Piotr Gemra, Piotr Pawłowski

Deutsche Services Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością

is entered into the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, under KRS number: 0000393429. The seat of the Company is in Warsaw at al. Armii Ludowej 26.
VAT Identification Number: PL 527-26-61-652
Management Board: Zbigniew Bętkowski, Michał Wysokiński, Adam Podlewski

Show content of Spain

Deutsche Bank, Sociedad Anónima Española

Paseo de la Castellana, 18, 28046, Madrid.
Registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, tomo 28100, libro 0, folio 1, sección 8, hoja M-506294, inscripción 2.
Tax Identification Number (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal): A08000614

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft (Sucursal en España)

Paseo de la Castellana 18, 28046, Madrid.
Registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, tomo 5097, libro 4247, folio 129, sección 3, hoja M-40.393.
Tax Identification Number (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal): W0041027D

DB Operaciones y Servicios Interactivos, A.I.E.

Via Augusta 252-260, 08071, Barcelona.
Registered in Barcelona Commercial Registry, tomo 27.335, folio 179, sección 8, hoja B-116.616, inscripción 1
Tax Identification Number (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal): G60526852

DWS Investments (Spain), S.G.I.I.C., S.A.

Paseo de la Castellana, 18, 28046, Madrid.
Registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, tomo 1056, libro 0, folio 88, sección 8, hoja M-10.301, inscripción 38
Tax Identification Number (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal): A80017403

Show content of Sweden

Deutsche Bank AG Stockholm Branch

Stureplan A SE 114 35 Stockholm
Registered in Bolagsverket's branch register 516401-9985
Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main; HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main, Local Court

Disclaimer for DWS in Sweden:

Deutsche Bank AG is authorized under German Banking Law (ID:100003, competent authority: BaFin – Federal Financial Supervisory Authority). Deutsche Bank AG Stockholm branch ("DBS", Bolagsverket nr. 516401-9985) is authorised by BaFIN and regulated by Finansinspektionen for the conduct of licensed activities in Sweden.

Deutsche Bank branches operate within the EEA on the back of the legal entity (Deutsche Bank AG) EU Passports within the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Reference is made to European Union Regulatory Background and Corporate and Regulatory Disclosures on that page at Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by BaFIN and respective Nordic Region Financial Supervisory Authority are available on request.

Without limitation, documents and any attachment proposed electronically do not constitute an offer or a recommendation to enter into any transaction with DBS.

Electronic communication is for information purposes only and is not intended to be an offer or an advice or recommendation or solicitation, or the basis for any contract to purchase or sell any security, or other instrument, or for DBS to enter into or arrange any type of transaction as a consequence of any information contained herein.

The implicit or explicit views and recommendations expressed in marketing or other financial presentation material as well as any financial proposals are solely those of the issuer of such material, and forwarded to you on behalf of the contracting party.

DBS is solely acting in an agency/agency similar capacity (“the agent”) for and on behalf of Deutsche Bank AG and/or affiliates and potential investors should be aware that if they, you, decide to enter into a transaction with Deutsche Bank AG or affiliates (these acting as “the principal” or “contractual party”) will any and all contractual and commercial agreements be as entered into with that contracting party under the contractual laws, unless re-negotiated, and financial laws and regulations of the country where the contracting party is licensed.

Unless DBS is entering into a separate and explicit contractual relationship with you for the provision of investment services is neither obliged to categorise you in accordance to MiFID nor perform MiFID Suitability and/or Appropriateness assessment (as enacted into Swedish laws and regulations).

The investments or services mentioned in this email or an attachment thereto may not be appropriate for all investors and before entering into a transaction you should take steps to ensure that you fully understand the transaction and have made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction in the light of your own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such transaction. You should also consider seeking advice from your own advisers in making this assessment.

If you decide to enter into a transaction with a contracting party you do so in reliance on your own judgment.

For general information regarding the nature and risks and types of financial instruments please go here.

Past performance is not a suitable indicator of future results. An investment in mutual funds/ETF’s can rise or fall in value and there is no guarantee that the investor will get back all capital invested. Fluctuations in currency rates may cause the value of investments to either rise or fall. Investors should note that most mutual funds/ETF’s are not capital protected or capital guaranteed.

Investors in mutual funds/ETF’s should be aware of the possibility, and financially able, to lose part or all of the invested capital. An investment in mutual funds/ETF’s is associated with risks, for a presentation of the risks related to investments in these funds, please refer to respective Funds/ETF’s Fact Sheet and/or Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”s) and/or fund Prospectus.

Data Security and Personal Data

Personal data is handled in accordance with the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204, the “PDA”) and applicable ordinances, regulations and guidelines. Deutsche Bank has issued comprehensive Personal Data and Information Security Policies and Procedures in accordance with German laws and regulations which meet the Swedish PDA.

We observe inter alia the Swedish Marketing Act (2008:486) and/including the e-commerce directive (2000/31/EG) as enacted into Swedish law (Ehandleslagen) and relevant industry standards and guidelines issued by the authorities and your instructions to us, and we will not contact private individuals via e-mail, SMS, fax, voice messaging or other automated calling systems unless previous approval has been obtained from the individual for the use of such marketing methods.

We hereby inform you that a private individual (a “consumer”) inter alia may refuse direct marketing from us, may request to be informed about own private data stored in our systems and has the right to have own information amended or erased as applicable.

The following links will bring you to corporate and regulatory disclosures for selected Deutsche Bank group branches and subsidiaries in other countries:

Show content of Channel Islands


The following companies have their registered office at PO Box 727, St Paul’s Gate, New Street, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8ZB, Channel Islands:

DB Nominees (Jersey) Limited

Deutsche International Corporate Services Limited

Deutsche International Custodial Services Limited

Deutsche Services (CI) Limited

Show content of Switzerland

Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA

Place des Bergues 3, 1201 Geneva
Registered in Geneva (headquarter), commercial registration number: CH-660.0.537.980-4
VAT number: CHE-116.272.898

Deutsche Bank AG, Zurich Branch

Uraniastrasse 9, 8001 Zurich
Registered in Zurich, commercial registration number: CH-
VAT number: CHE-105.690.694
Branch of Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft domiciled in Frankfurt am Main • HRB № 30 000 • Frankfurt am Main, Local Court

Deutsche Fiduciary Services (Suisse) SA

Place des Bergues 3, 1201 Geneva
Registered in Geneva, commercial registration number: CH-660.0.407.981-0
VAT number: CHE-103.176.653

Show content of United Kingdom

Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch

Deutsche Bank AG (“the Bank”) is a joint stock corporation incorporated with limited liability in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court, Frankfurt am Main under number HRB 30 000.

The Bank is authorized under German Banking Law, and is authorized and regulated by the European Central Bank and the BaFin, Germany’s Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. The Bank is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority. It is subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of the Bank’s authorization and regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from the Bank on request.

The Bank is registered as a foreign company in the register of companies for England and Wales (registration number FC007615). Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch is registered as a branch of a foreign company in the register of companies for England and Wales (registration number BR000005). Its registered address is 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch is listed as a member firm of the London Stock Exchange.

Under the requirements of the Remuneration Part of the Prudential Regulation Authority’s (PRA) Rulebook and SYSC 19D of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Handbook (UK Remuneration Rules), a firm must explain how it complies with the PRA and FCA's requirements on its website. Deutsche Bank confirms that it meets its obligations under the UK Remuneration Rules. Further information on pay including how policies and practices are aligned with risk management and how remuneration structures apply to its employees (including management and Material Risk Takers) is set out in the Deutsche Bank AG annual report each year.

Deutsche Bank group UK subsidiaries

The following UK-incorporated subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank AG are authorized and/or regulated as indicated below:

DB Investment Partners Limited

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 966618. Registered in the register of companies for England and Wales under number 13679854 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

DB UK Bank Limited

Authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority with firm reference number 140848. Registered in the register of companies for England & Wales under number 315841 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

Under the requirements of the Remuneration Part of the Prudential Regulation Authority’s (PRA) Rulebook and SYSC 19D of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Handbook (UK Remuneration Rules'), a firm must explain how it complies with the PRA and FCA's requirements on its website. Deutsche Bank confirms that it meets its obligations under the UK Remuneration Rules. Further information on pay including how policies and practices are aligned with risk management and how remuneration structures apply to its employees (including management and Material Risk Takers) is set out in the Deutsche Bank AG annual report each year.

Deutsche Alternative Asset Management (UK) Limited

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 146000. Registered in the register of companies for England & Wales under number 2478500 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

Deutsche Trustee Company Limited

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 122126. Registered in the register of companies for England & Wales under number 338230 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

DWS Alternatives Global Limited

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 458997. Registered in the register of companies for England & Wales under number 5603289 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.

DWS Investments UK Limited

Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with firm reference number 429806. Registered in the register of companies for England & Wales under number 5233891 and having its registered office at 21 Moorfields, London EC2Y 9DB.